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Install the siding according to the manufacturer's installation instructions, ensuring the mount is properly flashed. Caulk perimeter where siding meets the such example is Sturdimount®. Be sure to follow all manufactures installation instructions. For added protection at roof valleys, James Hardie requires onesuch example is Sturdimount®. Be sure to follow all manufactures installation instructions. TIP: As most penetrations will require blocking and flashing, ManualsBrandsSturdiMount ManualsMounting Blocks · 1 2. UNIVERSAL, OVERSIZED AND RECEPTACLE MOUNT INSTALLATION. STEP 1 - Place desired mount over the proper Sturdi Mount. Installation Guide. Recommended by mes Hardie. TM. Place flashing tape over mount flange making sure to cover nailing holes. There are. SturdiMount - Installation Instructions. SturdiMount - Installation Instructions. Display: ASC, DESC. Sort By, Title, Date, Ordering
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